Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Drowning in the deep end.

Ever have one of those days where EVERYTHING goes wrong? 
Well this happens to me EVERY Tuesday, the reason why?  On a Tuesday I happen to have my weekly Management Accounting lecture.  
For those of you who do not know how useless I am with numbers here is a little insight.  
I still rely on my fingers to do the 9 times table and the ONLY times table I know off by heart is 5 times table (5, 10, 15, 20 etc) the rest I have to work out by adding.   Yes I am useless.  I also cant do sums in my head take 98 + 72 for examples would be relatively easy for most. but for dear old Punky a calculator is needed.  I still do not understand algebra or why the hell letters are put in maths equations and how I have passed Statistics and Financial management is anything short of a miracle.  So I am terrible at maths or anything requiring numbers, add to that the fact that I am dyslexic and get confused with 9's and 6's and 8's and 3's and such and me doing a maths sum becomes quite entertaining. 

So every Tuesday I wake up and go to Varsity - I always arrive in a good mood, have my coffee, catch up with my Varsity Starfish, check out the hot 1st years (who think we are "bitchy" but if only they knew we don't talk to them because we cant think of anything "cool" to say to these fine male specimens), and then head on up to class where the drama unfolds.

My Management Accounting lecturer has a Doctorate in Engineering or Accounting or something like that, anyways what ever he has a Doctorate in requires EXTENSIVE accounting and mathematical knowledge.  He is useless.  He is obviously VERY good at his job as he has all the toys to prove he makes BIG CASH but after 7 weeks of lectures and 1 assignment we have only done 2 chapters. TWO CHAPTERS!   And I don't understand anything. Nothing. Nada.  When I say nothing, I mean nothing, im not one of those annoying kids who say "Oh I have no clue what is going on" or 'Yeah I'm so confused" then get a distinction come exam time.  When I say I have no idea what is going on I mean it.  I am actually so lost with Accounting Management that I in fact have no idea how to even ask a question about what is going on.  When this IDIOT turns to me and says "Punky, do you know whats going on?" I look at him with this blank expression on my fact and nod my head, where do I start to even tell you how lost I am.  This idiot has managed to make me so nervous and stressed out cos I KNOW I am going to fail that I have one previous occasions been seconds away from tears, broken out in hives and nearly had a panic attack.  And I'm chilled.  I'm the girl who studies like a week before the exam and skips chapters because "Aggggh I just don't feel like learning it" I have a very chilled approach to life, nothing EVER gets done till the last minute and even then it's done in a very "whatevs" manner in other words I. DON'T. GET. STRESSED. OUT.  And this idiot has stressed me out! 

On that note I shall be taking interviews for Management Accounting tutors (since I have a month till exams) - suitable candidates should be male, over 6ft, resemble Jared Leto be dirty in a sexy way, oh and a financial background would be a lovely added extra.  
I promise I'm an excellent student, and will try not to slobber on your shoulder (However I cannot make any promises on that one) 

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