Monday, 28 March 2011

Starfish leaves to swim in the English sea....

I hate Farewells.
I hate Good Byes.
I hate Airports.
I hate it when people leave.  
It sucks.

One of my starfish is leaving to swim in the big bad cold British sea for an indefinite period of time - It sucks when they leave but it sucks even more when they leave and you don't know when you are ever going to see them again.  Luckily being Zimbabwean and having had half of my friends move away to more stable countries with slightly better economies (Considering Mugabe went on record to say "The Zimbabwean Economy is the envy of the world") around the world I am quite used to good byes, but they still suck so so so bad.  

So I am just going to ignore the fact that said starfish is going swimming in another rock pool and just get on with the interesting stuff (the slorey behaviour and copious drinking, cos I know that all anyone cares about  - The only kind of mail is Black Mail after all) *Hi Mom* 

So since said starfish has German roots (I'm not sure if this is why this interesting little watering hole in the middle of nowhere was chosen or if it was chosen just because it was huge? Must. Find. Answers).   Anyhootenhausen - So we all met at Schwabinger Stuben - don't ask me where it is because I could not, even if my life depended on it tell you.  In true German style, we ate, and we drank and we were merry.  Then we decided to take our jolly selves to Greenside.  Now contrary to popular belief, I myself am not a Greenside fan, maybe its because my starfish  enjoy the snobby, pretentious, jock filled watering hole that they call 'The Office" 
Let me describe the kind of people who like to go to 'The Office" - Firstly it is the kind of people who find the name 'The Office' mildly amusing, so it would be the kind of people who work in offices, from lawyers, accountants, investment bankers and basically anyone else who lives a corporate semi boring life during the week and then find the thought of going to a place named 'The Office' to socialize amusing.  As you can tell, I am not a fan.  
However this Saturday, I decided that I can no longer spend my Saturdays in a place that I dislike and decided to pop into Gin even if my Office loving starfish describe the place as "Dark, dingy with a hint of stale vomit in the air'' - Now, don't let that put you off - Gin is the bomb diggity!   Ok so they don't serve Caramel Vodka but that isn't make or break for me yet (however I did inform the manager, waiter and anyone who would listen that it needed to be stocked asap).
Let me describe Gin: The people are fun, the music is good, the drinks are cheap and the talent it out. of. this. world.  Starfish and I spotted possibly the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life (Yes, I know I say that a lot - but you all know how I tend to exaggerate well everything... this time I am 95.72% certain) I mean I even shoot in a semi-down poor outside just so one of the Starfish and myself could stare at it, just a little bit longer.  
I also think at one point during the evening I stood on a table and shook my booty to the sounds of Black eyed Peas **Blushes** I just can control myself, I feel like the BEP song "Dirty Bitch" should just be dedicated to me and my starfishes and our slore behaviour.  

I'm going to miss my little Starfish, drinks were consumed, memories were made, farewells were said and I wouldn't have it any other way.

And to end off remember this:
Vodka is like Black - it goes with everything. - F.P. Rogers

1 comment:

  1. Vodka is like Black - it goes with everything. - F.P. Rogers

    I ay just have to Twitterize this!
