For those of you who don’t know about the Zimbabwean land reform program:
10ish years ago (I forget the year – I was little ok, gimme a break) the Zimbabwean Government decided to enforce something called “The Land Reform Programme” I’m not going to go into the detail of what the land reform program entails or how it treated the farmers that were forcibly and violently removed of their land.
I felt that with all the studying and diligent student activities I have been participating in recently I would instead of watching Jersey Shore Re-Runs, Jerseylicious, or any trashy E! Entertainment programmes go for a walk around the farm. So I head out. I decide to do about 5kms and head up to the top land that boarders with “The War Veterans land” (I put it in inverted commas because it is actually OUR farm but it just got stolen from us and is now his). So there I am with my iPod on (I am scared of bushes that make noise – hence the iPod instead of enjoying nature) and I see the War Veteran out with his family ploughing his lands. Oh and also crops are supposed to be put in in November and reaped in May obviously he is a thief and an idiot who doesn’t know how to farm. Back to the War Vet. They are all staring at me so I made a decision to way and shout “HELLO! HOW ARE YOU?” to which he replied to with giving me the bird and shouting “BURIYAKO”. For those of you who don’t speak Shona, saying Buriyako to someone is the harshest form of abuse or swearing you can say to someone it’s like shouting “EF YOU” at someone times like a million.
I don’t know why that jerk faced idiot yelled Buriyako at me but surely if ANYONE should still be angry it should be me? This is the same prick who along with his gang of War Vets attacked our house (when I was all of say 13yrs old) when my sister and I were fast asleep inside with neither of our parents in the house and then held us captive for hours and then set fire to our house so we couldn’t escape, luckily we managed to get evacuated but if we hadn’t I doubt I would be here to write this blog. AND HE IS STILL ANGRY?
So much for forgive and forget.