Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Stuck in the 3rd World

So as of late I have been neglecting my blog quite a bit..... The ONLY reason for this is being trapped in the back of beyond with little to no internet access at time (I know alot of people cannot relate to this but try to visualize the discomfort this would bring to your lives)
I have however had no shortage of debacherous stories to share with you all.
Let me begin shall I? *Ahem*
So as we all know my home country of Zimbabwe has in the past suffered from a rather "rough" existence.... Let this not fool you into thinking there is a lack of things to do or Night Clubs with poles to dance on.
I may add on Friday night (after my Last exam) things got a little out of control at 2 of Zimbabwe's finest bars/clubs.
 Two clubs! I Know I Cant Believe It Either! (They don't have Caramel Vodka - beggars cant be choosers in Zimbabwe "any thing that does the job alcohol wise" will do - I'm pretty sure I have drunk petrol disguised as Vodka before but that is another story for another day)
After my BFF Starfish threw a little "Punky has finished exams and can now drink like a fish" party in my honour I arrived at Tin Roof and managed "have my A game" some how.  You know what I love about Zim guys? You DONT have to talk to them for 3 hours and suggest marriage just to get them to buy you a drink or give you their space at the bar or open your car door.  There is one thing I cannot  deny Zimbabwean boys are gentlemen.  Always have been, always will be.  Chivalry is not dead boys - don't act like it is.  I dont remember much due to the copious amounts of Patron I swallowed - I am NOT cheating on my beloved Caramel Vodka (CV will always hold my heart - We are just on a "break")
We then some how ended up at Axiom - I do not remember much from then on but I'm pretty sure I licked some gentleman's bicep in appreciation for his "Puppies" I am pretty sure I then asked him if he would like me to take him to the local vet for a check up cos his puppies were so sick.  HAVE I NO SHAME?
All in all.  I shamed myself and had a ball swimming with the big fish in a very little pond.  Mama Starfish and Papa Starfish would be so proud. Not.
Peace Punky Out

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